Saturday, November 17, 2007

I am a Google Worshipper

Matt buddy, this is for you.

I have not long been updating my blog.

well, procastination is a thing that is associated with this narcissist. [:)].

Google, is one company that has caught the imagination of people well, apart from apple .
These days, people think that google is omnipotent, that it can do anything in this web world. The excitement, hype around iphone can only be matched with something like google operating system for mobile phones. I mean, there was a hyperbola that google will be releasing a gphone rivaling iphone.

anyway, the point i wanted to make is the amazing simplicity of the google indic transliteration tool.

kudos to the google labs for letting us users use this amazing, simple tool for writing in indian languages with english keypad.
AFAIK, no other tamil writer ( i mean the tool) could be matched with this simple google indic tool , in my experience.

what else, looking forward to something new from google every day. [:)].

no wonder its share price has soared to $764.

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